Something which we pride ourselves on at itris is the training we offer to our clients. Over the years we have developed a wide range of courses designed to teach you how to get the most out of our recruitment software and maximise ROI. It’s essential to any agency to get everyone on board and use your recruitment CRM to its full potential!

However, before you go full steam ahead getting recruitment software trainin, there are few considerations you should take into account.

What type of training do you want?

There is such a variety of training courses available these days but essentially, it boils down to face to face or online training. There are pros and cons for both (which we have discussed in previous blog posts) and what works extremely well for one company might not work for another. Invest time exploring your options and don’t forget to ask whether your supplier also has manuals, free videos or webinars as they are also viable options.

Whereabouts do you want to be trained?

If you’re looking to have face to face training completed at your office, there are a few things you will have to consider. Firstly, will your business incur the costs of paying for a training consultant to travel to you and potentially stay overnight? This might work in your favour if the cost of a couple of train tickets and a hotel is considerably less than what you’d have to pay to get all your staff down to a training centre. But bear in mind, if you end up having to cancel your training last minute, you might still have to pay for the costs of a train ticket or hotel if they’ve already been booked!

You should also ensure that your office is a suitable place for training to take place. Are there enough computers? Is it free from distractions? If you simply can’t accommodate a training session, then it might be a good idea to re-evaluate where it could take place.

If you are booking online training then there are still few questions you should ask yourself to ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible. Is your internet connection reliable? What are your download speeds like? Do you have headsets?

How many people need to be trained?

Obviously this will depend on the number of employees you have but it varies for every company. Some agencies require all their consultants to be trained whereas others would prefer just one person to learn the system, so they can then become the internal trainer at their office. Historically, the companies who get all their consultants trained have better knowledge of the system and consequently, better ROI as they have been trained first hand by the experts. However, it would still be beneficial to have an internal trainer at larger companies who can act as a point of contact for any training queries and get in touch with the supplier if needs be.

Depending on whether you’ve opted for face to face or online training, you will need to know how many people will take part in each session. As a rule of thumb, you don’t want huge groups of people as it can become difficult to manage for both you and the trainer and you still need someone to man the phones at the office!

Have you picked the right course?

We provide a vast array of training courses, manuals and videos for our clients to give them ultimate flexibility. They can then choose which courses suit their needs best whether that’s off-the-shelf or bespoke. Off-the-shelf courses will be readymade and often stick to an agenda whereas bespoke courses will be completely tailormade for you but more expensive. Before booking any training, it’s essential that you do your research and ensure that the courses you are booking meet the aims and objectives of your company and staff. You should also find out whether your trainer requires any coursework for you to complete beforehand.

If you choose to go down the off-the-shelf route, training all your consultants who are going to use the system on the basics would be a good place to start. Once everyone knows the essentials, you can then pick and choose what courses you would like others to complete. This could be based on their skill level or job role. For example, someone who deals with the temp side of your agency will need to undertake additional courses.

You might want to consider mixing and matching face to face and online training if there are a lot of consultants who need to complete the basics but only a few who need more detailed training. It will work out more cost effective for you if you sign everyone up to an online course or encourage them to watch the free training videos and then provide face to face training for any additional courses.

Who is training you?

Do some research on the training consultant who is supposed to be training you regardless of whether it’s online or face to face. Are they an expert? Are they qualified? Are there any reviews? Have they trained you before? It goes without saying that you want the best person possible to train you! Also, don’t forget to inform them of any learning disabilities which your employees might have and anything else which might affect the training.

Once you’ve considered all the preceding points, you’ll be ready to go ahead and book in your recruitment software training! Don’t forget, it’s not something you should rush as everyone needs to be ready and have their full attention devoted to learning how to use the system you have in place.

If you could do with brushing up on your itris knowledge, then please give our training team a call on 01892 825 820.