Discover the power of our recruitment CRM software that seamlessly integrates with leading industry technology, enhancing your business processes. Say goodbye to the hassle of using multiple tools—our integrations are already built into itris recruitment CRM as standard.

Whether it’s CV Parsing, Job Board Aggregators, SMS, Email Marketing, Applicant Outreach, Back Office solutions, or even voice and text Artificial Intelligence, itris 9 recruitment CRM ensures your data flows effortlessly between systems.

We’re committed to providing top-notch, flexible recruitment software, and our open API opens up a world of possibilities, allowing businesses to create custom tools and integrations as needed.

 Explore how itris 9 can transform your recruitment workflow and get in touch today.

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The Best Recruitment CRM Software by itris

If you would like more information on our recruitment CRM, or Recruitment Software partners then get in touch today. Our recruitment software experts are here to answer any questions you may have and show you why itris 9 is the best recruitment CRM for your business or staffing agency.

Our recruitment software offers a number of core features as standard and has been proven to save a recruiters time in core processes including applicant tracking, matching, searching and reporting.

Alternatively, take a look at our recruitment software reviews and see what our recruitment and staffing customers have to say about our CRM, customer service and support.

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"After using itris for over five years, I can safely say that implementing it has been one of the best business decisions we have made. The onboarding process to itris 9 was simple and straightforward and the team were very eager to help and support us as much as possible."

Janko Salzwedel | Director | JR Veterinary