Ah recruitment software. The central hub of agencies’ data and processes. What would we do without it? Established recruitment businesses will understand the importance and benefits of having a CRM in place but for start ups, it’s a little more complicated.

It can be overwhelming to acknowledge all the different types of recruitment software, their names/acronyms and what they do but do you even need anything at all? Here are some questions you’ll need to ask yourself to determine whether your start up needs recruitment software.

Do you actually have the money?

Let’s just jump straight to it. Can you actually afford to splash out money every single month on software? For a start up business, it can be difficult to justify the cost especially when things are tight and there are free options available to help manage your processes. Take a look at Excel, for example. You’re probably paying for Microsoft already and it’s the most cost-effective way to get started but just remember, spreadsheets can only take you so far so it is inevitable at some point you will need to budget for a CRM.

On the other hand, if you have got the money to invest in software, don’t try and cut corners on costs and opt for the cheapest option as you will regret this later down the line.

Is there specific functionality you need to operate as a business?

Depending on which industry you are working in, there could be functionality you require to help you do your job effectively. For example, if you are recruiting for construction or education roles where compliance checks are essential, you might find recruitment software is an absolute must for your processes.

Are you growing quickly?

If your business is already growing substantially in terms of headcount, revenue and data then implementing recruitment software should definitely be made a priority. Otherwise, you may end up finding yourself restricted with spreadsheets or the free tools you’re using. Having a centralised source of all data and processes means your team will all be working from the same place to avoid any confusion or complications.

Is admin taking up too much time?

As you will probably know by now, recruitment involves a lot of admin which can get very tedious and time consuming. If you’re already sick of manually typing in applicants’ data, attaching documents to emails and adding notes to spreadsheets then you will need to invest in a CRM sooner than you may have initially thought. With automation capabilities which complete everyday tasks in a fraction of the time, software enables recruiters to focus more of their efforts on making placements and business development.

Do you have spreadsheets and Word documents galore?

If you’re starting to fill up folders upon folders with documents and CVs then it might be time to collate everything together in one central CRM. It acts as a huge database so you’ll never have to worry about delving five-deep into folders just to find that damn covering letter again!

Do you want to be able to report?

It can be tricky to report when you use spreadsheets for the majority of your work so if detailed reports on CVs submitted, calls made, live jobs, etc. are what you’re after, you’ll need a CRM.

If you’ve read this and realised it’s time for you to take the plunge and invest in a recruitment CRM, please just remember to make sure it’s the right one for your business. It isn’t cheap and like they always say, you don’t want to buy twice! The last thing you want to do as a start up is waste money on technology in case it fails so you really need to evaluate the pros and cons of investing in software before you make such a big decision. You’ll also need to give yourself time to adopt a new system and make sure your staff are willing to do so as well as being open to changing/updating your processes.

To help you with the whole reviewing recruitment software process from start to finish, we’ve written a no-nonsense guide which explains everything you need to know from a completely unbiased point of view. There is some handy information and tips which will make your life 10 times easier!