Mandatory Data

In the recruiting industry, the importance of high-quality data cannot be overstated. It allows for faster and more accurate searching, which ultimately saves time in the recruitment process. With the Mandatory Data feature in itris 9, recruiters can ensure that the data they collect meets a certain standard and is useful for their needs.

This feature is available across all main record types including applicants, companies, contacts, and jobs, as well as sub-types of the records. Recruiters can also set different requirements for different types of jobs, such as permanent, contract, or temporary positions. This allows for more customized and specific data collection based on the needs of the recruiting business.

In addition to the main record types, the Mandatory Data feature can also be used for other parts of the database, such as comments, employment, and references. With over 200 mandatory data fields available, including custom fields and the number or type of keywords, recruiters can tailor the feature to their specific needs and processes.

Ensuring that data is accurate and complete is essential for effective recruitment. With itris 9’s Mandatory Data feature, recruiters can be confident that the information they collect is of the highest quality and can be used to find the perfect candidate for the job. This results in a more streamlined and efficient recruitment process and ultimately leads to more successful placements.

itris 9’s Mandatory Data feature also helps to improve data governance by ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Recruiters can set mandatory fields for data such as right-to-work documentation, equality and diversity information, and GDPR consent, ensuring that all necessary data is collected in a standardized and consistent manner.

This not only helps to mitigate risks and prevent non-compliance, but also enhances the reputation of the recruiting business as a reliable and trustworthy partner for clients and candidates. With more stringent regulations and data protection laws being introduced globally, having a software system that can help manage data compliance is becoming increasingly important in the recruiting industry.

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The Best Recruitment CRM Software

If you would like to find out what mandatory data fields are available for for your business, or discuss why itris 9 is the best recruitment software, then get in touch today. Our recruiting and staffing specialists are on hand to answer any CRM, ATS or process questions you may have.

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