Job Activity

itris 9’s Job Activity Board is a highly efficient and user-friendly feature of the recruitment CRM, that allows consultants to manage their entire recruitment process in one central location. The drag and drop functionality makes it quick and easy to move candidates from one stage to another, from applications, to shortlist, to sending CVs, to interview, offer, and placement.

The Job Activity Board is organized into swim lanes, with each lane representing a different submission level. By default, each lane contains the live applicants at that particular stage, where it is their highest level in the submission process. This allows consultants to quickly and easily see where each candidate is in the process, without the need to click on multiple tabs or navigate through complex menus.

Using easy-to-use filters, consultants can also view historic applicants that are no longer active within the submission process, in a greyed-out state, providing an overview of not just current but historic submissions for the job role. This is particularly helpful when it comes to tracking the progress of past applicants and the reasons why they may have dropped out of the process.

The Job Activity Board is designed to help free up your consultants’ time, allowing them to process their applicants and submissions with ease, while also providing a clear and concise overview of each candidate’s progress. The automated system means that consultants can focus on building relationships with clients and candidates, rather than wasting time on tedious admin tasks.

The Job Activity Board is similar in function to other popular collaboration tools like Trello and Asana, with the added benefit of being specifically designed for recruitment workflows. Its user-friendly interface and intuitive drag and drop functionality make it a great tool for consultants who are looking to streamline their workflow and increase efficiency.

Overall, the Job Activity Board is an essential feature of itris 9 recruitment CRM, providing a comprehensive and automated solution for managing your recruitment process, and allowing consultants to spend less time on admin and more time on building relationships with clients and candidates.

Drag & Drop your applicants through the recruitment process and into placements, with itris 9 cloud recruitment CRM Software.

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